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We use Cookies and other technologies, also from third-party suppliers, to ensure the basic functionalities and analyze the usage of our website in order to provide you with the best shopping experience possible. You can find more information in our Privacy Notice.

Information, Forms & Explanations

Downloads / Forms


  1. RoHS - ElektroG - DecaDBE - REACH DE/UK
  2. Conflict Minerals Compliance Statement DE
  3. Conflict Minerals Compliance Statement UK

Confirmations and proofs

  1. amfori BSCI participation confirmation

Certifications of our Manufacturing Factories
  1. ISO 9001 from Yung Li (anfor)
  2. ISO 9001 from Rifeng





MAG is a member of amfori BSCI

amfori BSCI (founded in 2003 as Business Social Compliance Initiative) is an initiative that advocates for the improvement of working conditions in global supply chains.

The Amfori BSCI initiative is based on internationally recognized labor standards and human rights, including the standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the UN Human Rights Charter, and the SA8000 standard of Social Accountability International (SAI).

The BSCI Code of Conduct also takes into account national legal regulations and is thus a comprehensive approach to improving working conditions in global supply chains.

Together with the BSCI, we promote the goal of a globally socially compatible supply chain with the following criteria:


  • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
  • Prohibition of discrimination
  • Prohibition of child labor
  • Remuneration: At least legal minimum wages
  • Working hours
  • Prohibition of forced labor and disciplinary measures
  • Health and safety at work
  • Guideline for social responsibility
  • Management systems as well as anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy
  • Environmental protection


Our GLN, assigned by GS1 Germany,
is: 40 32528 00000 8
With this number, our company can be uniquely identified worldwide.

This also applies to the item number (GTIN) derived from our GLN. Our GTIN number range covers the range 4032528000015 to 4032528999999 (where the last digit represents the check digit).


WEEE Directive / ElektroG

WEEE Reg.-No.: DE65810611

Check registration:
ear Directory of registered manufacturers

Information obligations according to §18 para. 2 Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act:

Packaging Ordinance (VerpackG)

Registration number: DE1074117487033

VAT Identification Number

According to § 27 a VAT Act: DE 151392743

BZSt: VAT ID No. Confirmation

Vechelder Str. 22
38268 Lengede

Tel. +49 (0)5344/9602-0 Fax -25



Authorized Managing Directors:
Dierk Model

Registry Court: District Court Gifhorn
Registration Number: ARB11725

New District Court Hildesheim
Registration Number: HRB 101058

VAT identification number according to § 27 a VAT Act: DE 151392743
Tax number: 38/207/02506


MAG and DINIC Logos

Please use our logos only after prior consultation.

  1. MAG Logo (Vector Graphic)

  2. DINIC Logo (Vector Graphic)