ENEC Certification and Its Acceptance in Europe

If you are looking for safe and high-quality power cables, you should consider the ENEC certification. This certification is recognized as sufficient in many European countries, and no additional national certification is required.

What is ENEC Certification?

ENEC certification (European Norms Electrical Certification) is a European safety mark for electrical products that confirms compliance with European safety standards.


Proof of Independent Testing

The ENEC mark can only be issued by accredited testing institutes. This ensures that consumers and retailers can trust the safety of the products. In a world where brands are increasingly interchangeable and the CE marking is merely a manufacturer's self-declaration, independently awarded marks like the ENEC mark are gaining importance. They convey safety and trust.

The Advantage of ENEC-Certified Cables

A major advantage of ENEC certification over country-specific approvals is that it is recognized in many European countries. This means that an ENEC-certified cable can be easily sold and used in all these countries without requiring additional certification. This facilitates cross-border trade while ensuring a high level of safety.

Countries Where ENEC Certification is Recognized

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Italy
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Turkey
  • United Kingdom


This list includes the countries where the ENEC certification is recognized as proof of compliance with national safety standards. If you live in one of these countries or wish to supply your products there, you can be assured that our power cables with ENEC certification meet the safety requirements there.

Choose safety and quality – choose our ENEC-certified power cables.

For more information on ENEC certification, visit the official ENEC website.


For your specific power cable requirements, including country-specific and/or ENENC approvals, please visit our product page: www.mag-kabel.de/en/products/. Here you will find a variety of suitable solutions.

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